1,964 Students … 1,964 Ways to Pay it Forward

“We want to change the face of American higher education.” – Dr. Sam Baskin

When our founding president said those words in 1964, Union Institute & University was just setting out on its journey to make higher education more accessible to all. Since then, we have learned that higher education has many faces – the Union experience has changed the lives of more than 20,000 graduates over the past 50+ years. Graduates have gone on to become educators, elected leaders, advocates for social justice and more. Giving to Union does more than help the next generation of students fulfill their educational dreams. It also helps them become a force for positive change in their communities and the world at large.

Changing the Faces of Education – Pay it 1964WARD

CAMPAIGN GOAL: $1.964 million

Join the hundreds of Union Institute & University alumni, faculty, staff, students and supporters with your gift today!

As a member of the Union family, your support makes all the difference. Your contribution today can lessen the financial obstacles standing between students and their college aspirations, and ultimately, their desire to seek social change.

And when you Pay it 1964WARD, you can rest assured that 100% of your generous donation will go toward scholarships that help Union Institute & University students complete their education. OUR goal is to help another 1,964 students achieve THEIR goals.

Will you join us in changing the faces of education?

U-Help  –  $19.64 per month ($235.68 per year)


  • A cling sticker for your car to show your support
  • Your name on the Union Institute & University website donor list
  • Entry in Union’s monthly prize drawing (only for our donors)
  • Limited edition t-shirt after six months of contributions

U-Support – $196.40 per month ($2,356.80 per year)


  • A cling sticker for your card to show your support
  • Your name on the Union Institute & University website donor list
  • Entry in Union’s monthly prize drawing (only for our donors)
  • Limited edition t-shirt after six months of contributions
  • Coffee mug or tote – your choice
  • Invitations to special events
  • Discounts to Union workshops
  • A class of your choice at Union after one year of contributions

U-Invest – $1,964 per month ($23,568 per year)


  • A cling sticker for your card to show your support
  • Your name on the Union Institute & University website donor list
  • Entry in Union’s monthly prize drawing (only for our donors)
  • Limited edition t-shirt after six months of contributions
  • Coffee mug or tote – your choice
  • Invitations to special events
  • 1 free ticket to a workshop (travel not included)
  • 1 class of your choice at Union after a year of contributions
  • 2 tickets to the Ph.D Residency Dinner, along with access passes to special VIP Speaker (travel not included)
  • For $2,834 per month or a $25,000 per year commitment, a scholarship named in your honor (or the person or group of your choice)
  • Lunch with the Union Institute & University President, Dr. Karen Schuster Webb or the Union faculty member of your choice
  • Surprise Union gift bag valued at $100

Union for Life – Bequests beginning at $1 million or more (insurance policies, wills, estates, properties, autos, estate items)


  • A cling sticker for your card to show your support
  • Your name on the Union Institute & University website donor list
  • Entry in Union’s monthly prize drawing (only for our donors)
  • Limited edition t-shirt after six months of contributions
  • Coffee mug or tote – your choice
  • Invitations to special events
  • 2 free tickets to a workshop
  • 2 classes of your choice at Union after a year of contributions
  • 2 tickets to the Ph.D Residency Dinner, along with access passes to special VIP Speaker
  • Lunch with the Union Institute & University President, Dr. Karen Schuster Webb or the Union faculty member of your choice
  • Surprise Union gift bag valued at $100
  • Permanent naming opportunity for program or program chair through endowed gift

Please contact Thomas Dugger, Executive in Residence, at Tom.Dugger@myunion.edu or 513-439-1140 to discuss giving at the Union for Life level.

By including Union in your financial and estate plans, you may increase your current income and provide future support for areas of the university important to you. By engaging in planned giving, you may be able to make a larger gift than you might have thought possible – while also benefiting your own financial situation.

Featured Scholarship Recipient

How one alumna is using her degree to rescue women from human trafficking
At one time, Viann Barnett lived in poverty with her child. “I grew up in a two-person household, but when my father passed, we lost so much. I was hopeless and helpless. I was in a downhill spiral. I lived through many traumatic experiences. I didn’t see a way out for myself or my daughter,” said Barnett. “I didn’t even have a GED.”
Read More

Featured Donor

Why I give back: My Union degree got me a seat at the table
“I am a first-generation college student and certainly the first in my family to attain a Ph.D. I appreciated my educational experience at Union, and feel it is important to do whatever I can do so others will have a similar experience. Union students come from all walks of life, and many share similar stories of being the first in their family. That is why I invest in Union.”
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We Value Our Donors

Union celebrates its many generous donors who contribute to the university in support of our common vision: engaging, enlightening, and empowering students in a lifetime of learning and service. Thank you deeply for your years of support and for your dedication to higher education and social change.

Donor Honor Roll
In an effort to publicly recognize the generosity of our donors, we produce and send out a benefactor’s list, or donor honor roll each year. Each name represents one more opportunity for Union students to make a difference in their communities and the lives of others.
Donor Bill of Rights
The Donor Bill of Rights was developed by the American Association of Fund-Raising Counsel, Association for Healthcare Philanthropy, Council for Advancement and Support of Education, and the Association of Fundraising Professionals, and was adopted by most institutes of higher education in November 1993.

Tax Deductions

for your support

Your charitable contribution to Union Institute & University may be tax-deductible, and Union development staff provide all necessary gift receipts for cash contributions (to the extent of the law), as well as acknowledgements for gifts-in-kind and other non-cash gifts. For more information regarding your tax-deductible gift to Union, please consult your financial advisor or our Advancement Office.